Finding Fitz Roy

A Motorcycle Adventure down the Americas

On April 29th, 2017, Dani Bradford (aka Lone Rucksack) left Washington, DC on a motorcycle headed south through North America, through Central America, through South America, ending in Patagonia at Fitz Roy.


A Bicycle Adventure

Cycling Across Europe from Portugal to the Republic of Georgia

On February 10, 2015, Dani Bradford (aka Lone Rucksack) flew to Lisbon, Portugal, assembled her bike at the airport, and rode out into the sunshine to cycle south. She traveled over 4,500+ miles for 5 months, through 15 different countries—Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Republic of Georgia— with nothing more than two saddlebags of gear for sleeping outside and camera equipment.

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